The ‘Sciencey Trinity’

The ‘Sciencey Trinity’ are three pivotal, landmark, papers/book-chapters in The Center’s initiative, applying Dialogue to the Science of Consciousness. As hinted at in the Completing the Spectrum video, the Trinity together form a whole, a transformational artefact in modern conssciousness science:

  1. ‘True Consciousness Science …’

    … establishes the conditions for there to be an experimental consciousness science. Preprint | Videos

  2. ‘One Experiment …’

    … tests whethers those conditions actually hold, in our inhabited reality. Preprint | Videos

  3. N-theory …’

    … states a falsifiable hypothesis, meeting those conditions, and addressing all other theoretical issues, ignored by currently-headline ‘consciousness science’. Preprint | Videos

Trinity - The (M0re Technical) Overview

This 15-minute video gives a more-technically focused review of the Trinity than the Completing the Spectrum video Like that video, it is relatively light on its treatment of N-theory; see the N-theory video, for balance.