The Science We Need

One Experiment to Change the World

The Science We Need is a science that is unambiguously helpful for humankind, and that reaches into every area it can, to provide that unambiguous help. Many mainstream scientists (and a good proportion of the non-specialist population) believe this description applies to the science we have. But this belief is simply wrong!

Perhaps surprisingly, the creation of The Science We Need begins in consciousness science - but not the mainstream version of that science which is growing in prominence. As the book discusses, this mainstream field is quite astonishingly broken: it doesn’t even deserve to be described as science. However, this brokenness is fixable, via a novel hypothesis described for the first time in this book (‘N-theory’), and related experiments (including ‘the One’).

Certainly, fixing consciousness science creates a new domain where science can be ‘unambiguously helpful’, per our tentative definition of The Science We Need. But it’s safe to say, few people have been taking to the streets to protest the absence of a good consciousness science! Astonishingly again, however, fixing consciousness science turns out to revolutionize the physical foundations of science as a whole, offer new paths to peace in society (for example, by reconciling science, spirituality, and post-modernism), and point to a new conception of reality and our place in it, with ramifications at every scale, from individual purpose and identity, to how we create the next great phase of civilization!

The Science We Need is the first book in the Consciousness, Science, and Society trilogy, and the least-technical of the three. It’s accessible to enthusisastic non-specialists, who want to go where few scientists have yet dared to tread … and beyond!

Expected Publication: Sep 2022! Free Content, Available Now:

Contents Page

Coming soon …

Chapter Preprints

Ch 1: The Surprising Importance of Consciousness Science.

Ch. 2: The Troubles with (As-Is) Consciousness Science.

Ch. 3: 'Effing Consciousness' - Or, How to Use New Symbols to Get Qualia Into the Hard Sciences.

Ch 4: Do We Live In A Universe Where There Are Reliable Experiments About Conscious Experience?

Ch. 5: The Darwinian Evolution of Conscious Experience (Or Not - Under Standard Physics!)

Ch. 8: N-theory: A falsifiable, coherent, scientific, theory-of-consciousness. (6/21) [Videos]